Vídeo: Redacción | Foto:Telemadrid

Tercera parte de los 33 clasicos del género heavy metal. Entre ellos, la llamada Santísima Trinida Pre-metálica, esto es, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple y Leed Zepelin. Vamos con ellos:

- Led Zeppelin: Rock and roll (IV, 1972)

- Judas Pirest: Breaking the law (British Steel, 1980)

- Ufo: Doctor doctor (Phenomenon, 1974)

- Michael Schenker Group: Doctor doctor (MSG, 1981)

- Scorpions: Rock you like a hurricane (Love at first sting, 1984)

- Accept: Balls to the wall (Balls to the wall, 1983)

- Poison: Talk dirty to me (Look what the cat dragged in, 1986)

- Slayer: Raining blood (Reign in blood, 1986)